Quick reference for using the telephone
9 Selection buttons
To enter a telephone number:
Press the corresponding keys briefly.
To use one-touch dialling to call one of
the first nine phone book numbers
stored in the set:
Press the corresponding key for ap-
prox. 2 seconds.
To use one-touch dialling to call one of
the first nine phone book numbers
stored on the SIM card:
, then press the corresponding
key for approx. 2 seconds.
Enter the name. Please refer to the
section on “How to enter a name/text”.
To answer a call: Press one of the but-
tons on the right side of the set.
: AF / #
Enters special characters.
3 SRC (Source)
Press SRC briefly: The telephone
functions will end and the set will auto-
matically switch back to the audio
mode used last (radio, tape deck or
optional CD changer).
The telephone mode has priority. It is
not possible to switch to an audio
mode if you are already talking on the
telephone or trying to place a call.
If you press SRC briefly while the tele-
phone is ringing: the caller will receive
the information that the party he is call-
ing is unavailable.
Press SRC for approx. 1 second: busy
4 TA (Traffic Announcement = Priority
for traffic announcements)
To switch off the priority for traffic an-
nouncements during a telephone call:
Press TA during the telephone call.
5 TS / BND
To switch from handset operation to
the hands-free function (uses the mi-
crophone and car speakers):
Press BND and replace handset.
1 On/Off
The set must be switched on before it
is possible to use the telephone.
Adjusts the volume while using the
“hands-free” function.
Adjusts the TA volume while using the
“hands-free” function.
Adjusts the volume of the current ring
Remote control
The functions described under “Vol-
ume” can be altered by pressing V- /
If this button is pressed while the tele-
phone is in use, the microphone will be
muted. This makes it possible to con-
duct a conversation in your vehicle
while the party on the telephone is un-
able to listen.