Learn mode 92
Loudness 91
Mailbox 120
Making telephone calls using the
handset 105
Making your first telephone call 97
Master clear 117
MIX 89
Moving an entry 109
My phone number 115
Network selection 122
Notepad 103
Operating mode 114
Operating the cassette deck 87
Operating the telephone 96
Phone book menu 107
Phone lock 125
PIN code 96, 116
Preferred networks 123
Prevent access 110
Programming with DSC 90, 112
Radio Data System 82
Radio Monitor 88, 92
Radio operation with RDS 82
Read Keycard 93
Recalling radio stations 85
Redial function 103
Regional programme 82
Remote control 71
Removing the KeyCard 74
Removing the SIM card 74
Ringing tone 115
Ringing tone volume 114
Safety information 69
Safety standards 69
Save names 101
Save telephone numbers 101
Save telephone numbers from the
notepad 103
Second KeyCard/SIM card 73
Seek tuning start 86
Seek-tuning sensitivity 85
Select operating mode 82
Selecting the CD 89
Selecting the language 73
Selecting the track 89
Selecting titles 87
Sensitivity 93
Set charge parameters 116
Setup menu 113
SIM card 96
SMS messages 120, 121
SMS tone 115
Station tuning 83
Storing radio stations 84
Switching from stereo to mono 85
Tape equalisation 88
Telephone information 72
Traffic announcement 86
Traffic programme station reception 86
Traffic safety 69
Train KeyCard 74
Train SIM card 74
Travelstore 84
User mode 93
Using the telephone in critical areas 70
Using the telephone while driving 70
Voice control system 72
Volume 76, 86, 93, 98
Volume FIX 93
Waveband 83