
Body Building
Frequency: 3 days on, 1 day off (Day 6)
Time: 45-60 minutes
Body building requires focused concentration and dedication to training, as well as proper
eating habits. Work each muscle group to fatigue before moving on to the next exercise. Do
not neglect any muscle group. If needed, include an aerobic activity to increase your caloric
expenditure and help to reduce your body fat levels to achieve a defined muscular look. Rest
30-60 seconds between each set and exercise. Focus on proper form. Tighten the muscle
before you move, squeeze the muscle as you move, cramp the muscle at the point of full
contraction, and resist the movement as you lower the weight. Move slowly on each rep. Use
a pace that would allow you to stop the movement instantly at any point in the rep. Count three
seconds up and three seconds down and work to fatigue during each set.
Body Part Exercise Sets Reps
Chest Bench Press 2-4 8-12
Incline Bench Press 2-4 8-12
Shoulders Seated Shoulder Press 2-4 8-12
Crossover Rear Delt Row 2-4 8-12
Front Shoulder Raise 2-4 8-12
Scapular Retraction 2-4 8-12
Days 1 & 3
Body Part Exercise Sets Reps
Back Seated Lat Row 2-4 8-12
Narrow Pulldowns 2-4 8-12
Arms Standing Biceps Curl 2-4 8-12
Standing Wrist Curl 2-4 8-12
Triceps Pushdown 2-4 8-12
Lying Triceps Extension 2-4 8-12
Days 2 & 4
Body Part Exercise Sets Reps
Legs Leg Press 2-4 8-12
Leg Extension 2-4 8-12
Standing Leg Kick Back 2-4 8-12
Seated Hip Abduction 2-4 8-12
Trunk Seated Low Back Extension 2-4 8-12
Seated Resisted Abdominal
2-4 8-12
Trunk Rotation 2-4 8-12
Days 5 & 7
Owner’s Manual
Owner’s Manual