Assembly Manual
Explanation of Calibration Display Messages (for information only):
During calibration, the TIME display will show you text messages updating you as to the status of calibration. When there
is no text message in the TIME display window, the other displays will show the following:
HEART RATE (TC5000 Only) – will show the status of the motor control relay.
• “ON” signifies the power relay is on and energizing the motor.
• “OFF” signifies the motor control relay is off and not energizing the motor.
CALORIES/CAL PER MIN – will show the version number of the software.
TIME – will show either a text message regarding auto-calibration (“d0nE”, “Strt”, etc.) or the actual Pulse Width
Modulation (PWM) number (a number that provides digital information about base unit functions to the console) if
START/STOP, FASTER or SLOWER is pressed during calibration.
MILES/TOTAL STEPS (DISTANCE/MILES for TC3000) – will show the calibration of the total step count.
SPEED – will display the actual belt speed during the calibration function.
If Calibration Fails (Screen Displays “Cal Fail” Message):
This error usually indicates that the console is unable to determine the speed of the belts. Take the following steps:
1. Unplug the unit and remove the three back covers.
2. Hold a stiff business card, ID card, or other similar onto the inside of the drive pulley. Adjust the speed sensor to-
wards the card until it just makes contact.
3. Remove the card.
4. Plug unit in and recalibrate.
If calibration is successful:
• Replace the three back covers.
If calibration is not successful:
• Leave plastic covers off and contact customer care for assistance. ( See Important Contact Numbers page at the
back of this manual).