Assembly Manual
Condition / Problem Things to Check Solution
Knocking noises when unit is
operating in TreadClimber or
stepper mode, but not in tread-
mill mode
Treadle alignment Make sure treadles are centered between
uprights and treadle is not contacting upright
during use. If not centered remove rear plastic
covers to access rear baseplate bolts. Loosen
bolts slightly to allow treadles to be centered.
Once centered tighten outer two bolts securely
then tighten inner bolts securely.
Drive pulley and flywheel
Unplug power from Unit. Wait at least 5 minutes.
Remove left side plastic drive cover to expose
“v” belt drive line. Using a ½” wrench, tighten
the bolt that attaches the 4 ½” drive pulley to
the drive shaft while holding the drive rollers
still. Also, using a 5/32” hex wrench, tighten the
setscrew on the flywheel motor pulley. Reinstall
plastic drive cover.
Igus bushing If knocking sound seems to be coming directly
from the rear roller, check igus bushings and
replace if cracked.
Hydraulic cylinder bolts Check and tighten both upper and lower bolts
that connect the hydraulic cylinders to the unit.
Belts stop turning and “err LS”
or “err OS” is displayed
Calibration Re-calibrate machine using Owner’s Manual
calibration procedure.
Speed sensor 1. Cycle power off and on.
2. Put the machine in calibration mode (see Cali-
bration procedure in Owner’s Manual) but do not
start the calibration routine.
3. Remove right rear plastic cover to view LED
diagnostics on control board.
Caution: Machine is on. Current is active!!
4. Locate LED D on the motor controller board.
LED may be lit or unlit.
5. Manually advance the treadle with your foot,
and check if LED D is blinking.
6. If LED D is not blinking, then the speed sensor
is not supplying a signal. Check that the speed
sensor wire is plugged into the motor controller
board, to the connection labeled “P1”. Check
connection of speed sensor to jumper wire.
Check speed sensor adjustment (use business
card to set gap between sensor and pulley). If
LED D still does not flash replace sensor.
I/O cables If LED D is flashing when the belts are turning
but err LS or OS persists check connections and
for signs of visible damage to any of the three I/O
cables. If no damage, check continuity using a
multi-meter. If a multi-meter is not available con-
tact customer service for replacement cables
and further assistance.