Back Exercises
Muscles worked: This exercise emphasizes the
latissimus dorsi, teres major and rear deltoid
which make up the large pulling muscles of your
upper back. It also involves the muscles on the
front of your upper arms (the biceps group) which
are responsible for bending your elbows.
Pulley position: Lat tower.
Starting position:
• Facing the Power Rods
, grasp the bar with an
underhand grip, approximately shoulder width.
Then sit on the bench.
• Position your knees directly under the pulleys
and sit upright with your arms extending upward.
NOTE: You may position your hips directly under
the pulleys but then you must lean back slightly
from hips (not the waist).
• Maintain good spinal alignment, chest lifted, abs
tight and maintain a very slight arch in your lower
• Initiate the movement by pulling your shoulder
blades down and together while simultaneously
drawing your elbows downward to the front, and
then back toward the sides of your body.
• At the end of the motion, your arms should be
drawn near your sides (although may not be
touching your sides), your shoulder blades
should be fully depressed toward your hips and
your forearms must be upward in line with the
direction of the cables (not forward).
• Slowly return to the starting position allowing
your arms and shoulder blades to move fully
upward, without relaxing the muscles.
Key points:
• Do not lose spinal alignment.
• Keep the lats tightened throughout the entire
• Do not lean backward as you pull.
• Keep the chest up, especially at the bottom of the
Reverse Grip Pulldowns Shoulder Extension (with elbow flexion)
Muscles worked: This exercise develops the
muscles between your shoulder blades (middle
trapezius and rhomboids), that pull your shoulder
blades together and are essential to good posture.
Pulley position: Narrow only.
Starting position:
• Sit on the bench facing the Power Rods
• Grab handles with palms facing each other.
• Place heels on the end of the platform, bend hips
and knees comfortably, arms straight.
• Lift your chest, sit up straight with your spine in
good alignment and tighten your trunk muscles.
• Keeping your arms straight, slowly pinch your
shoulder blades together.
• When your shoulder blades are fully retracted,
slowly return to the starting position.
Key points:
• Do not bend your torso forward.
• Do not lose spinal alignment – keep chest lifted.
• Do not bend and pull with your arm muscles.
Scapular Retraction