Leg Exercises
Muscles worked: This exercise emphasizes
the muscles on the front of the upper thigh
(quadriceps muscle group) which are responsible
for straightening your leg against resistance. This
powerful muscle group helps provide stability
for the knee joint and is essential for producing
power in running, jumping and lifting activities.
Pulley position: Leg extension/ Leg curl
Starting position:
• Sit on the seat facing away from the Power
with your knees near the pivot point and
the lower roller pads on the front of your shins/
ankle (see picture).
• Position your thighs at hip width pointing your
knee caps straight to the front.
• Grasp the sides of the seat.
• Sit up straight with your chest lifted, abs tight
and maintain a very slight arch in your lower
• Tighten your quads and straighten your legs
by moving your feet forward and then upward
until your legs are completely straight and your
kneecaps are pointing up toward the ceiling (not
turned outward).
• Then slowly return to the starting position
keeping tension in your quads during the entire
Key points:
• Use slow controlled motion. Do not “kick” into
• Do not let your knees rotate outward during the
exercise. Keep your kneecaps pointing up and
straight forward.
Leg Extension
Muscles worked: This exercise emphasizes
the hamstring muscle group (biceps femoris,
semimembranosus, semitendinosus) on the
back of the thigh as well as the calf muscle
Pulley position: Leg extension/Leg curl
Starting position:
• With the back support of the bench attached to
the seat of the leg unit, lie face down with your
lower thigh on the pad, the knees near the pivot
point and ankles under the upper roller pads .
• Point your knees and feet straight down and
tighten your inner thigh muscles (as if squeezing
your knees together) to stabilize.
• Place your hands on the floor or grasp the rail or
bench for stability.
• Place your forehead on the bench or look to the
side, but do not look up, hyper-extending your
• Tighten your abs to prevent spinal motion and
very slightly lift your knees (approximately 1
inch), placing the pressure on your thighs.
• Slowly bend your knees, upward and then
toward your hips without moving your spine and
without your hips lifting from the bench.
• Keeping the hamstrings tight, slowly allow your
legs to straighten and return near the starting
position. Do not fully extend your legs.
Key points:
• Make sure you straighten your legs under
control, do not allow your knees to hyper-
• Keep your chest lifted, abs tight and maintain a
very slight arch in your lower back.
• Try to relax your calf and foot muscles.
Leg Curl