è The aperture ring can also be set to intermediate values.
è Depending on the lens, there are instances where there is no relation to the lightness being halved between the maximum diameter of
the aperture and the next aperture reading.
è The ratio between aperture and the amount of exposure, using F 2 as the basis, is as follows:
Lens Aperture
1.2 1.4 1.8 2 2.8 3.5 4 5.6 8 11 16 22
Exposure Ratio
3 2 1.25 1 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/64 1/128
Pre-Set Aperture and Checking of Depth-of-Field
Lens with A-M Ring
1. Pre-Setting of Aperture: Set the A-M ring at "A". Then set the desired F stop on the pre-set aperture ring to the index. The
diaphragm will close down to the pre-set F stop only for the instant that the shutter is released. Except for the instant that the shutter is
released, the diaphragm will remain fully open.
2. Manually Operated Aperture: When the ~ A-M ring is set at "M" the diaphragm closes down to the pre-set F stop. In this way the
depth-of-field at the time of shutter release can be checked. When the A-M ring is reset at "A" the diaphragm again returns to maximum
Lens with Manual Aperture Ring
1. Pre-setting of aperture: Set the desired F stop on the pre-set aperture ring to the index. Then set the index of the manual aperture
ring to this pre-set F stop. The diaphragm will close down to the pre-set F stop only for the instant that the shutter is released.
2. Manually Operated Aperture: When the ~ manual aperture ring is turned in the direction of closing down the diaphragm, after
setting the desired F stop on the preset aperture ring to the index, the diaphragm will close down to the pre-set F stop and the depth-of-
field can be checked. The manual aperture ring cannot be turned when set at maximum aperture opening.
è Refer to pages 34-35 concerning depth-of-field.
Relation Between the Pellicle Mirror, CdS, Diaphragm and Shutter