
How to Use Built in Exposure Meter
The exposure meter of the PELLIX QL, which is of the zero method type, is coupled to the shutter dial and aperture ring. The exact
exposure is easily determined according to the brightness of the subject to be photographed. There are two ways of determining the
exposure--either by first selecting the shutter speed or first selecting the F stop.
Film Speed Setting
Show the film speed of the film used in the small window. To do this, hold up and turn the film speed set ring around the shutter speed
dial. If the film is ASA 100, for example, make correct setting by showing 100 in the ASA window.
è When ASA 25 appears in the small window, this is as far as it turns to the left. The right turn extremity reads · (2000).
è The following film speeds may be used:
(32) (40) (64) (80) (125) (160) (250) (320) (500) (640)
ASA 25 · · 50 · · 100 · · 200 · · 400 ·
DIN 15. · 18. · 21. · 24. · 27. ~
(16)(17) (19)(20) (22) (23) (25) (26) (28) (29)