Maximum Heart Rate
The heart rate increases according to the intensity of exercise, but there is
a limit. The highest heart rate that a person can sustain is called the "maxi-
mum heart rate". Generally the maximum heart rate declines as we get
older, however this differs between individuals, and is largely due to how
much a person exercises.
The difference between heart rate and pulse rate
The heart rate is the number of heartbeats per minute measured by an
electrocardiograph. On the other hand, the pulse rate is measured as fol-
• From the palpations of an artery near the skin surface, such as the ca-
rotid artery
• By passing a sensor light through an earlobe or fingertip, and measuring
the pulse count via the subtle changes of the sensor light transmission
caused by the heart beat
Although the measurement principle and method are different, both the
heart and pulse rates have the same value per minute, and are therefore
regarded as synonymous.
Pulse Limit
For the standard maximum heart rate, "220 - Age", "204 - 0.69 x Age", and
other formulas are used. In the EC-T220, however, "200 - Age" is used,
taking into account a certain safety margin, and is incorporated in the
computer setting.
Target Pulse Rate
The pulse rate you should maintain during a workout is called the "target
pulse rate". The automatic training program allows you to stay close to
this target, but it is recommended that you always be conscious of your
pulse rate, even when performing different types of training programs, by
referring to the "Target Pulse Rate Chart". You can input a target pulse
rate up to 85% of the maximum pulse rate.
Exercise Level Based on the Pulse Rate
Pulse rate increases according to the intensity of the exercise. In other
words, the pulse rate during exercise is a measure for the exercise level.
The exercise level can be expressed in percentages by using the following
Pulse rate during exercise - Pulse rate at rest
Exercise level(%) = x 100
Maximum heart rate - Pulse rate at rest
Therefore, if you want to determine the target exercise level (target pulse
rate) from the pulse rate, you can calculate as follows.
Target pulse rate = (maximum heart rate - pulse rate at rest)
Exercise level(%)
x + pulse rate at rest
If you are a beginner, you can start the exercise with a target pulse rate of
"160 - your age". If you can continue your exercise at the target pulse rate
of "180 - your age," your exercise can be considered effective enough.
Upgrade your exercise gradually so that you can reach the suggested final
target of "190 - your age".
50 60 70
Maximum pulse rate (204 - 0.69 x Age)
Pulse lim
it (200 - A
(190 - Age)
(180 - A
e who have
atic setting of target pulse rate
(160 - A
Target Pulse Rate Chart