Interval training
• This program is intended for serious exercisers with training experience.
This training automatically changes the speed between "exercise (maxi-
mum speed)" and "rest (minimum speed)." The incline does not change,
so you can adjust the incline to suit your needs.
• Select one of the three patterns, depending on the training goal you are
working for.
• This program is made up of repeated intervals of exercise (maximum
speed) and rest (minimum speed). The rest speed is different depending
on the pattern.
Pattern 1: Rest speed is 30% of exercise (maximum) speed.
Patterns 2, 3: Rest speed is 50% of exercise (maximum) speed.
• The incline can be adjusted by pressing the INCLINE +/- buttons. This
program is hard training, so it is recommended that you try with zero in-
cline at first.
• Exercise per training session should be for at least 15 minutes. If possible,
a 20 to 30 minute session is better.
• The exercise time (alarm) is initially set for 20 minutes, but you can
change it in 1-minute increments to any value in the range from 0 to 99
minutes. The current conditions on the LCD screen advance along the
time scale once every 3 seconds. When 10 minutes is exceeded, the screen
will scroll leftward by 5 minutes.
There may be those who choose to exercise beyond the pulse limit (200 -
age) for their ages, depending on their training goals and physical conditions.
If you choose to do so, use sufficient caution, and control your pulse rate.
• The intensity of the training can be adjusted by changing the exercise
(maximum) speed.
Caution: Although the speed can be adjusted when at rest (mini-
mum) speed, this can sometimes result in the exercise
(maximum) speed being increased to an unexpected high
speed. The change of the speed should be kept small.
Checking your exercise record
After finishing your exercise, you can check the details (changes in speed, incline, and pulse rate) of your exercise on the
LCD screen. If the exercise time exceeds 10 minutes, you can scroll the screen, by pressing either the INCLINE or
SPEED +/- buttons, to view the details that are not shown on the screen.
• + button: Details that are concealed on the right side will appear
• - button: Details that are concealed on the left side will appear
Pressing the STOP button will end the program and erase the memory of your exercise.
Quick start (manual training)
• This program is for basic treadmill training. By pressing the QUICK but-
ton, exercise begins at the lowest speed.
• This program is different from other training programs. In this program,
the speed and incline are not pre-programmed; the speed and incline are
adjusted by pressing the +/- buttons.
• Exercise per training session should be for at least 15 minutes. If possible,
a 20 to 30 minutes exercise is better.
• Because the exercise time (alarm) is not set, you can end the program at
any time. The current conditions on the LCD screen advance along the
time scale once every 3 seconds. When 10 minutes is exceeded, the screen
will scroll leftward by 5 minutes.
There may be those who choose to exercise beyond the pulse limit (200 -
age) for their ages, depending on their training goals and physical conditions.
If you choose to do so, use sufficient caution, and control your pulse rate.