
Installation process 45
Listen port: Port number of the WebLogic server.
SSL listen port: Secure Socket Layer Listen port number of WebLogic.
RMI registry port: Port number used by the Remote Method Invocation (RMI) registry naming
RMI activation port: Port number used by the RMI Daemon Process.
Provide WebLogic server and RMI parameters
7. In the Web Server and Services Server Parameters window, type the names of the web server and the
services server.
Provide the names of the web server and services server
8. In the Master Database Parameters window, provide the following details:
Server name: Name of the local or remote server on which your MSSQL database is installed.
Database name: Name of the master database.
Important: Make sure you provide the DNS host names and not the IP addresses of the servers. If
you don't provide the host names, the installation will fail.