68 Cisco Unified Web and E-Mail Interaction Manager Installation Guide
8. In the Add/Edit Application Extension Mapping window that opens, provide the following details:
Executable: Provide the path to the file containing the WebLogic plugin for IIS. For example,
Extension: Provide the extension as
Verbs: Select the Limit to option. As values provide: Get, Head, Post, and Trace.
Script engine: Select the option.
Verify that files exists: Clear the option.
Click OK.
Configure the properties for the .egain extension
9. In the Mappings tab, click the Add button again. Then, repeat step 8 (page 68) to add the
extension. Make sure that in the Extension field you specify the
Configure the properties for the .controller extension
Creating virtual directories
For the Messaging Applet web site create virtual directories corresponding to the business partition and the
system partition. If you have installed more than one business partition, then create a virtual directory for each
additional partition. The names of the virtual directories should be the same as configured in the default web site.
To create a virtual directory:
1. Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services.
2. Browse to Web Sites.
3. Right-click the Messaging Applet web site. Click New > Virtual Directory.
The Virtual Directory Creation Wizard is launched.
4. When the Welcome window appears, read the installation instructions. Click Next.