Voice over IP for the Cisco AS5800 27
To associate a dial peer with a specific voice port, use the port dial peer configuration command. To
cancel this association, use the no form of this command.
Cisco 2600/3600 Series Router
port slot/subunit/port
no port
Cisco MC3810
port slot/port
no port
Cisco AS5300 Access Server
port controller number:D
no port
Cisco AS5800 Access Server
port {shelf/slot/port:D} | {shelf/slot/parent:port:D}
no port
Syntax Description
No port is configured.
controller number:D Specifies the T1 or E1 controller; :D indicates the D channel associated
with ISDN PRI. Valid entries for the controller number variable is 0 to 3.
shelf/slot/port:D Specifies the T1 or E1 controller on the T1 card; :D indicates the
D-channel associated with ISDN PRI. Valid entries for the shelf variable
is 0 to 9999. Valid entries for the slot variable is 0 to 11. Valid entries for
the port variable is 0 to 11.
shelf/slot/parent:port:D Specifies the T1 controller on the T3 card; :D indicates the D-channel
associated with ISDN PRI. Valid entries for the shelf variable is 0 to
9999. Valid entries for the slot variable is 0 to 11. Valid entries for the
port variable is 1 to 28. The value for the parent variable is always 0.
port Specifies the voice port number. Valid entries are 0 or 1.
slot Specifies the slot number where the voice interface card is installed.
Valid entries are 0 or 1.
subunit Specifies the subunit on the voice interface card in the router where the
voice port is located. Valid entries are 0 or 1.