test vrm reset
Voice over IP for the Cisco AS5800 57
test vrm reset
To reset a particular DSP, use the test vrm reset privileged EXEC command.
test vrm reset {slot-number dsp-number}
Syntax Description
No default behavior or values.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the test vrm reset command to send a hard reset command to an identified DSP. When this
command is used, any active calls on all channels associated with this DSP are dropped. Under most
circumstances, you will never need to use this command.
The following example resets DSP 4 on the VFC installed in slot 2:
router# test vrm reset 4 2
Resetting voice device may termiate active calls [confirm}
Reset command sent to voice card 4 for voice device 2.
slot-number Number identifing the slot where the VFC is installed.
dsp-number Number identifying the DSP to be reset.
Release Modification
12.0(7)T This command was introduced.