30 Cisco Systems Intelligent Gigabit Ethernet Switch Module for the IBM Eserver BladeCenter System Message Guide
PM-4-INT_FAILUP: [chars] failed to come up. No internal VLAN available.
Explanation This message means that the port manager failed to allocate an internal VLAN, and the
interface cannot come up. [chars] is the interface name.
Response Remove the extended-range VLAN by using the no vlan vlan-id global configuration
command to make resources available.
PM-4-INT_VLAN_NOTAVAIL: Failed to allocate internal VLAN in Port Manager.
Explanation This message means that the port manager failed to find any available internal VLAN.
Response Delete some extended-range VLANs created by users, or remove some features (such as
routed ports) that require internal VLAN allocation. To delete extended-range VLANs, use the no vlan
vlan-id global configuration command. To delete a routed port, use the no switchport interface
configuration command.
PM-4-INVALID_HOST_ACCESS_ENTRY: Invalid Host access entry type ([dec]) is received.
Explanation This message means that an invalid host access entry type was received; the host access
entry should be a configured or dynamic type. [dec] is the entry type that is received.
Response Find out more about the error by using the show tech-support privileged EXEC command and
by copying the error message exactly as it appears on the console or system log and entering it in the Output
Interpreter tool. Use the Bug Toolkit to look for similar reported problems. For more information about these
online tools , see the “Error Message Traceback Reports” section on page 9.
PM-4-LIMITS: Virtual port count for [chars] exceeded the recommended limit of [dec].
Explanation This message means that the virtual port count exceeded the recommended limit of 1200
virtual ports per module and 4500 per switch. [chars] is the module name (for example, switch or the
module number), and [dec] is the recommended limit.
Response Find out more about the error by using the show tech-support privileged EXEC command and
by copying the error message exactly as it appears on the console or system log and entering it in the Output
Interpreter tool. Use the Bug Toolkit to look for similar reported problems. For more information about these
online tools , see the “Error Message Traceback Reports” section on page 9.
PM-4-NO_SUBBLOCK: No PM subblock found for [chars].
Explanation This message means that the port manager failed to find the subblock for this interface.
[chars] is the interface name.
Response Find out more about the error by using the show tech-support privileged EXEC command and
by copying the error message exactly as it appears on the console or system log and entering it in the Output
Interpreter tool. Use the Bug Toolkit to look for similar reported problems. For more information about these
online tools , see the “Error Message Traceback Reports” section on page 9.