© Copyright IBM Corp. 2004 3
This guide is for the networking professional managing the Cisco Systems Intelligent
Gigabit Ethernet Switch Module, hereafter referred to as the switch. Before using this
guide, you should have experience working with the switch and its software features.
This guide describes only the switch-specific system messages that you might
This guide does not describe how to install your switch or how to configure software
features on your switch. It also does not provide detailed information about commands
that have been created or changed for use by the switch. For hardware installation
information, refer to the hardware installation guide that shipped with your switch. For
software information, refer to the software configuration guide and the command
reference for this release.
This publication uses these conventions to convey instructions and information:
Command descriptions use these conventions:
• Commands and keywords are in boldface text.
• Arguments for which you supply values are in italic.
• Square brackets ([ ]) mean optional elements.
• Braces ({ }) group required choices, and vertical bars ( | ) separate the alternative
• Braces and vertical bars within square brackets ([{ | }]) mean a required choice
within an optional element.
Interactive examples use these conventions:
• Terminal sessions and system displays are in
screen font.
• Information you enter is in
boldface screen font.
• Nonprinting characters, such as passwords or tabs, are in angle brackets (< >).
Notes use this convention:
Note: Means reader take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions or references
to materials not in this manual.
Related Publications
In addition to this document, the following related documentation comes with the
Gigabit Ethernet switch module:
• Cisco Systems Intelligent Gigabit Ethernet Switch Module for the IBM eServer
BladeCenter System Release Notes
Note: Switch requirements and procedures for initial configurations and software
upgrades tend to change and therefore appear only in the release notes. Before