Cisco MGX 8220 Installation and Configuration
Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, November 2003
Log Codes
1108 Msg queue rcv/send Failed to receive/send message from/to the message
1109 Unknown card Invalid card slot number conveyed by the slave.
Information describing the specific instance is also
1110 Invalid alarm type Not used.
1111 Creating semId fail Error occurred while creating a semaphore.
1112 Tx mgmbuf ret twice Same management transmit buffer returned twice as a
free buffer.
1113 Tx mgmbuf alloc twice Same buffer allocated twice from the management-free
buffers pool.
1114 All self test results are
All self-test counters and results have been cleared.
1115 Self test failed; card is
Self-test failed on the card and the card has been reset.
1200 Bad shelf slot num Invalid shelf slot number encountered. Information
regarding the specific instance is also displayed.
1201 Unknown aum msg Unknown message type received while processing the
messages from BNM.
1202 Unknown scm msg Unknown message type from SCM. Information
regarding the type, source, and destination of the
message is also displayed.
1203 Array out of bounds Not used.
1204 General error Some general error occurred, for example invalid slot
number, ASC disk read/write error, checksum failure,
bad unexpected response, malloc errors, or send/receive
failures. Information describing the specific instance is
also displayed.
1205 Standby BRAM
download err
Failed to download the firmware to the card.
1206 Slave failed ack No ACK received from the slave.
1207 Slave ack timeout Error occurred while sending messages through message
queues to other tasks. No response to the messages sent.
1208 Aum arbit err Not used.
1209 Malloc err Failed to allocate memory. Running out of memory
1210 msg data err Invalid message received or message missing some
1211 err from msg rcv call Invalid message received from another task.
1212 no response Failed to receive response from another task in a
particular amount of time, especially while trying to
propagate the change in the card state to other tasks.
Table 8-3 ASC Log Codes (continued)
Error Number Display Log String Detail Description