Cisco MGX 8220 Installation and Configuration
Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, November 2003
Appendix C Firmware Upgrade and Downgrade Procedures
Description of Upgrade/Downgrade Terminology
The dspfwrevs command was first introduced in Releases 2.1.25 and 4.0.02 and later in Release 3. Any
time ASC firmware is TFTP put to an ASC card running Release 2.1.25 or Release 4.0.02 (or greater),
the dwpfwrevs command can be used to ensure that the ASC firmware was successfully TFTP-put to
the disk. Any time SM firmware is TFTP-put to an ASC card running Release 4.0.02 (or greater), the
dwpfwrevs command can be used to ensure that the SM firmware was successfully TFTP-put to the
Example: shelf.1.<3|4>.ASC.<a|s> dspfwrevs
Slot-Specific and Card-Type-Specific SM Firmware
MGX 8220 active ASC cards running Release 2 or Release 3 firmware support TFTP-putting
slot-specific SM firmware. This means that firmware is TFTP-put to each SM slot individually. The SM
firmware is written directly to the SM Flash. Within the upgrade/downgrade techniques, this is denoted
tftp put <SM_FW_file> AXIS_SM_1_$slot.FW
MGX 8220 active ASC cards running Release 4 firmware support TFTP-putting card-type-specific
SM firmware (in addition to slot-specific SM firmware). In Release 4, the SM firmware is written to the
ASC disk instead of the SM Flash as in Releases 2 and 3.
In Release 4, a single SM firmware file can be TFTP put to the ASC disk for all SMs of a particular card
type. This is denoted as
tftp put <SM_FW_file> AXIS_SM_1_0.FW
Each time an SM is reset, it downloads the SM firmware file based on its card type. MGX 8220 active
ASC cards running Release 4 firmware also support TFTP-putting slot-type-specific SM firmware. The
SM firmware is still written to the ASC disk.
Slot-specific SM firmware takes precedence over card-type-specific firmware. That is, for a SM of a
particular card type in a particular slot, if both card-type-specific and slot-specific firmware files exist,
the slot-specific firmware is downloaded to the SM.
A CONFIG.SYS file on the ASC disk keeps track of which SM firmware files are “in effect.” If an SM
firmware file (slot-specific or card-type-specific) is not contained within the CONFIG.SYS file, it is not
downloaded to an SM.
An SM firmware file is automatically added to the CONFIG.SYS file when it is TFTP-put to the active
ASC disk, and when the active ASC disk downloads the SM firmware file to the standby ASC disk. A
SM firmware file can be removed from the CONFIG.SYS file entering the delcfgsys command.
The dspfwrevs command can be used to list all of the SM firmware files on the active and standby ASC
disks and identify which SM firmware files are contained within the CONFIG.SYS file.
Config File Name Card Type Version
— asc fw ASC <version>