Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Software Installation and Configuration Guide
Chapter 5 Migrating to Solaris 10 and Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Software Release 9.8
Migration from Release 9.5 or 9.6 to Release 9.8 without Platform Changes
migration completed successfully
***finish checking migration...
This operation will copy the selected version of each configuration file
from the LIBRARY to the PRODUCTION area.
Do you want to overwrite the production files (y/n)?
g. Enter y and press Enter to copy the files to the production area.
Do you want to overwrite the production files (y/n)? y
removing data files in Production Area....
Copying data files of selected version to the data Production Area....
Completed copy
h. Enter q to exit config-lib.
The Configuration File Library Main Menu
1. List Configuration Versions in Library
2. Save Production to a new Library Version
3. Copy Library Version to Production
4. Remove Configuration Library Version
Enter Selection or 'q' to quit> q
Step 8 Perform the following steps when the file transfer is complete:
a. Set the value of pom.dataSync to true on PGW hosts 1 and 2. To update the pom.dataSync value,
use an editor such as vi to edit the XECfgParm.dat in the /opt/CiscoMGC/etc/ directory.
b. Log in to PGW host 1 as root.
a. Enter the following command to start the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch software on PGW host 1:
# /etc/init.d/CiscoMGC start
b. Wait for PGW host 1 to come up fully as standby host.
c. Stop the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch software on PGW host 2:
# init 0
d. Set PGW host 2 to standby:
# /opt/CiscoMGC/local/setup_replication.sh peerHost standby
Step 9 Verify that all protocols are operational:
mml> rtrv-ne
mml> rtrv-tc:all
mml> rtrv-dest:all
mml> rtrv-c7lnk:all
mml> rtrv-iplnk:all
Step 10 Enter the following command on the standby host to verify that call replication is occurring between
PGW hosts 1 and 2:
mml> rtrv-tc:all
Step 11 Promote PGW host 1 to active:
mml> sw-over::confirm
Step 12 When the switchover is complete, verify that PGW host 1 is processing calls.
mml> rtrv-tc:all