Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Software Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A XECfgParm.dat File Parameters
Understanding the XECfgParm.dat File Format
Table A-1 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch 9.x XECfgParm.dat File Configuration Parameters
Configuration Parameter Definition
*.actiononchargetableaccessfailure Allows you to specify the action to take when there is a
failure to access the meter pulse tariff table.
Default: 0
Valid values are: 0 (Continue Call) and 1 (Release Call).
*.autonomous Enables a process, for example the engine, to be started
without the system.
Default: false
Note Do not change this value.
*.chargingmode Allows you to specify the charging mode for non-Intelligent
Network (IN) calls which determines the treatment of
received Metered Pulse Messages (MPMs).
Default: 1
Valid values are: 1 (AddOnCharge), 2 (ReplaceCharge), and
3 (FreeOfCharge).
*.chargingtarifftype Allows you to specify which type of tariff table (Meter Pulse
or Tariff-Rate/Scale-Factor) is to be accessed in the absence
of a tariff table identifier in the charge result.
Default: 1
Valid values are: 0 (tariff-rate/scale-factor) (default) and 1
(meter pulse).
*.chkPtPort Port number used between peer components or processes for
Value: Any unused port number.
Default: 2001
Leave this value as the default.
Note If you have two Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch hosts
in an active/standby configuration, both fields in the
XECfgParm.dat files should contain the same value.