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Cookshack Model 075/076 SmartSmoker Oven 12 Ver. 06.2
Poultry is too dark Too much wood Use less wood. (Poultry absorbs smoke
easily so start with minimum amount
suggested and gradually increase the
quantity of wood with successive loads
until desired smoke flavor is reached.)
Bitter skin on poultry Too much wood Use less wood
Fish too dark Too much wood Use less wood
No smoke taste Not enough wood Use more wood
Product too dry Oven humidity too low Increase cooking temperature and de-
crease cooking time. Use Cookshack Wa-
ter Magazine to increase humidity. Pur-
chase product with fat on.
Skin cracks on poultry Oven humidity too low Rub with vegetable oil, butter, or mayon-
naise before smoking. Use a Cookshack
Water Magazine to increase oven humid-
Fish falls through grills Overcooking Reduce cooking time
Grill spacing too large to support fish Use Cookshack Seafood Grills or equiva-
Ribs fall off RibHooks Ribs not securely fastened Insert the longest end of the RibHook
under the second bone of the thickest end
of the slab
Overcooking Reduce cooking time
Poultry not getting done Overloading Review loading and capacity instructions
in this manual
Load cooks unevenly Improper loading Follow smoker oven loading instructions
in this manual; always load bottom
shelves lighter. Do not use sheet pans in
the smoker; they block even circulation
of heat and smoke.
Brisket on bottom cooks too fast Improper loading Load bottom grill with fewer briskets.
Load bottom grill with fat side of brisket