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Cookshack Model 075/076 SmartSmoker Oven 18 Ver. 06.2
Additional Items Shipped With The Smoker
5# Hickory Wood
3 Pak Spice Kit. Includes 10oz Rib Rub, 10 oz Chicken Rub, 18
oz Spicy BBQ Sauce. Operator’s Manual, Cookbook, and
Registration Card also included.
In addition to these items most Cookshack smokers are shipped with a drip pan de-
signed to collect the grease that comes out of the bottom of the unit during cooking.
RibHooks— Hang ribs with 4 easy steps.
• Remove grills from the side racks.
• Move side racks to the highest position.
• Replace the top grill only.
• Hook large end of RibHook through slabs and
hook the small end to the grill.
• Hang slabs starting on left side of smoker from
the back to the front and repeat on the right side.
Woodbox Handle—Use this tool to remove the
Woodbox from the oven when it is still hot.