Lower or block elevated implements and other attachments before
servicing or when leaving the equipment.
Tire Inflation Specifications
Tire pressure can also be adjusted as required to safely meet the following
A. Severe Service. Tire pressure can be increased 28 kPa (4 PSI) more
than the maximum pressure shown in the chart, for tires used in severe
service. Severe service includes the furrow tire in regular plowing
operations, the downhill tire in plowing and in other hillside operations.
B. Tires With Liquid Ballast. Inflate the tires 14 kPa (2 PSI) more than
the recommended pressure. This will compensate for aeration that
occurs when the tires are in motion.
IMPORTANT: During transportation on a railroad car or trailer, the tractor
tires are often inflated to higher than normal operating pressures. Before
using your tractor check the air pressure in the tires to make sure that
the air pressure does not exceed the maximum pressures shown in the tire
and wheel equipment chart.
For normal tractor operation use the inflation pressure shown in the tire
and wheel chart. The inflation pressure are based on cold inflation pressure
recommendations by Tire and Rim Association Inc.
For maximum tractor performance always adjust the tire pressure, within
the minimum/maximum range to conform with the actual load on the tires.
Under normal conditions use the minimum pressure rating for general
drawbar work. Use the higher pressure rating, up to the maximum, for heavy
three point hitch mounted equipment, or heavy front and mounted equipment.
Example A shows the cross section of a tire inflated for maximum load but
with a minimum load on the tire. The tire tread is not making full contact
with the ground which will give poor performance.
Example B shows the cross section of a tire with inflated pressure correctly
adjusted to the load on the tire. The tire tread is making full contact with
the ground which will give maximum performance.