
Service After First 50 Hours
1. Engine Oil
Drain all the oil from the crankcase while the engine is warm and refill
with new oil to the upper Notch (full) on the engine oil dipstick. See
Engine Oil Change in this manual.
2. Engine Oil Filter
Replace the engine oil filter. See Engine Oil Filter in this manual.
3. Transmission & Hydraulic System.
(1) Transmission Oil
Check the level of the transmission oil. Add the specified fluid as
needed to maintain proper level. See Transmission Oil Level (Gear Drive)
or Transmission Oil Level (Hydrostatic Drive) in this manual.
(2) Hydrostatic Filter (Hydrostatic Drive)
Replace the filter with a new one. See Hydrostatic Filter in this manual.
(3) Hydraulic Filter
Replace filter with a new one. See Hydraulic filter in this manual.
4. Front Axle Lubricant (MFD)
Change the oil. See FRONT AXLE LUBRICATION (MFD) in this manual.
5. Radiator Core
Inspect the radiator core and clean if necessary. See COOLING
SYSTEM in this manual.
6. Hoses and Connections between Air Cleaner and Manifold.
Inspect for loose fit or leakage. See AIR INDUCTION SYSTEM in
this manual.
7. Water Pump, Fan and Alternator Belt Tension.
Check the belt for tension, replace if necessary. See Fan Belt Adjustment
in this manual.