
Combustion Air and Venting
Removal of an Existing Boiler f rom a
Common Vent System
F o r installations in which the PERFOR-
MANCE PLUS is replacing an existing
b o i l e r / hot water h e a t e r system, which
was connected to a common vent system
with other appliances, the following steps
shall be conducted with each re m a i n i n g
appliance connected to the common vent-
ing system:
1. Any unused openings in the common
venting system must be sealed.
2. A visual inspection of the venting sys-
tem must be conducted for proper siz-
ing and horizontal pitch. The inspec-
tion should ensure no blockage or
restriction is within the vent system,
and there is no leakage, corrosion or
other items, which could cause an
unsafe condition.
3. To adequately test the venting system,
close all exterior doors and windows
and all doors between the area contain-
ing the remaining appliances connected
to the common vent system and other
areas of the building. Turn on any
clothes dryers and any other gas appli-
ance not connected to the common vent
system. Turn on all exhaust fans, i.e.
range hoods and bathroom exhaust
fans, preferably at maximum speed.
Close any fireplace dampers.
4. Place in operation the first appliance
being inspected that is connected to the
common vent system. The remaining
appliances should not be in operation.
Follow the appliance’s lighting instruc-
tions and adjust the thermostat to allow
the appliance to operate continuously.
5. Test for spillage at the draft hood relief
opening after 5 minutes of main burner
operation. Spillage can be detected
using the flame of a match or candle or
with smoke from a cigarette.
6. Once it has been determined that each
remaining appliance connected to the
common vent system is properly vent-
ed, return doors, windows, exhaust
fans, fireplace dampers and any operat-
ing gas appliance to their previous con-
Should any improper operation of the common
venting system be detected in the outline test,
the condition should be corrected so the vent
system conforms with the National Fuel Gas
Code, NFPA 54/ ANSI Z223.1 - latest edition.
Canadian installations must conform with
B149.1 or 149.2 Installation Code.