Start-Up Preparations
3. Fill the outer tank to correct system
pressure. Correct pressure will vary
with each application.
Typical residential system fill pressure is
12 psi. System pressure will increase
when system temperature incre a s e s .
Operating pressure of the system should
never exceed 25 psi.
4. Allow air to escape from the outer tank by
opening the automatic air vent provided
5. Purge air in each zone of the primary sys-
tem through the purge valve. Open air
vents to allow air to be purged in the zones.
6. Once the system is completely filled and
purged of all air, check the system pressure
and check for leaks.
Check Low Water Cut-Off Device
vided with a factory installed Low
Water Cut-Off device that measures
system pressure of more than 10 psi.
- Remove the front jacket panel and check
for continuity across the low water cut-
o f f device wire terminals. The contacts
should be closed when system pressure
is greater than 10 psi.
Check For Gas Leaks
P r i o r to start-up and during initial opera-
tion, smell near the floor and around the
unit for gas odorant or any unusual odor.
Do not proceed with the start-up if there
is any indication of a gas leak. Any leaks
found must be re p a i r ed immediately.
DO NOT adjust or attempt to measure
gas valve outlet pressure. The gas valve
is factory-set for the correct outlet pres-
sure. This setting is suitable for natural
gas and propane and requires no field
adjustment. Attempts by the installer to
adjust or measure the gas valve outlet
pressure could result in damage to the
valve, causing potential severe personal
i n j u ry, death or substantial pro p e r t y
Propane installations only - The propane
s u p p l i e r mixes an odorant with the
propane to make its presence detectable.
In some cases the odorant can fade and
the gas may no longer have an odor.
Prior to start-up of the unit and periodi-
cally after start-up have the propane
supplier check and verify the odorant