© 2006 directed electronics
step 8
Loop Programming
Depending on the vehicle, use the following data to set up the
system for your door lock type. The wire loops listed below are
found at the side of the control module case. Refer to Feature
Description for additional information.
DDoooorr LLoocckk DDuurraattiioonn ((WWHHIITTEE))
Uncut – 0.8 seconds
Cut – 3.5 seconds
DDoooorr UUnnlloocckk PPuullssee SSeettttiinngg ((GGRREEEENN))
Uncut – Single pulse
Cut – Double pulse
IIggnniittiioonn CCoonnttrroolllleedd DDoooorr LLoocckks
s ((RREEDD))
Uncut – On
Cut – Off
step 9
Programming the Transmitter
The system comes with 1 pre-programmed transmitter. The
receiver can store up to 4 different transmitter codes in memory.
Additional transmitters (part no. 26131) can be ordered by
contacting your local dealer at 1-800-274-0200. Use the
following to add a transmitter to the system.
The following is the basic sequence of steps to remember whenever
programming this unit: