© 2006 directed electronics.
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If you have the optional starter kill relay installed, you will not
be able to start your car if you lock your car and then lose your
remote. To operate your vehicle should this occur, use the
following procedure:
1. Use your ignition key to unlock and enter the vehicle.
2. Cycle the ignition ON and OFF 4-times and then back
ON a 5
time within 10-seconds.
3. Leave the ignition ON for 3-seconds. The parking lights
will flash twice.
4. The starter is now enabled. Turn the ignition key to the
START position to start the engine.
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CCoonnttrrooll MMoodduullee::
The "brain" of your keyless entry system.
Usually hidden underneath the dash area of the vehicle.
A hand-held, remote control that operates the
various functions of the system.