PAGE 4-6
Installing the Satellite Dish
Antenna onto a Wooden Surface
The satellite dish antenna can be installed onto several types of wooden surfaces. This section
describes installing the satellite dish antenna base plate and mast onto the side of your house or on
a deck rail or floor.
Do not mount the satellite dish antenna onto composite (also called particleboard or fiberboard)
surfaces unless there is a wall stud or rafter located where you will be installing the mounting
hardware. Composite materials are not strong enough to support the satellite dish antenna during
strong winds and other violent weather conditions.
Have the following tools and materials handy during this process. Items marked with an asterisk
(*) indicate that they are included in the Do-It-Yourself Installation Kit (sold separately).
• Drill bits (1/8-inch,
• Carpenter’s level
• Pencil or chalk
• Electric drill
• Silicone sealant *
• Washers * (5/16-inch,
Qty. 4)
• Wrenches (3/8-inch,
• Lag screws * (3-inch x
¼-inch, Qty.2; 2-inch x
5/16-inch, Qty.4)
Installation Procedure
1) Select a secure site to install the satellite dish antenna base plate:
• On the side of your house. Locate a wall stud onto which you can install the antenna base
plate as shown. Wall studs can most easily be found by looking for the line of nails that
shows where siding is attached to the house or by using a stud finder.
• On a deck railing or floor. You can install the base plate onto a deck rail or on the deck
floor as shown.
2) Place the base plate so the center holes align with the centerline of the rafter or stud (see
diagram). While holding the base plate in place, use a pencil to mark the location of the top
center hole onto the mounting surface. This mark indicates where you will be drilling later.
3) Using a carpenter’s level, plumb the antenna mast in at least two different locations on the
side of the mast, as shown. These two measurements should be at right angles to each other. If
Wall Mounting
Deck Mounting