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Buy Options
The Buy Options button is similar to the Buy $ button. This button will initiate a drop-down menu with
three purchase options: View, Tape, and Don’t Purchase.
The View Only price indicates the cost to view the program only. A purchase of this type excludes the
possibility of taping the event for later viewing.
The Tape/View price indicates the cost to record the event for later viewing. Of course, you can also
view the event when it airs if you select this option.
After choosing either View or Tape, you may either confirm or cancel the purchase.
If neither purchase option is of interest to you, highlight Don’t Purchase and press .
Cancel Purchase
Some events may allow cancellation after they have been purchased, depending on the event type, and
whether the event has been viewed. Unviewed purchases can usually be canceled. If the Cancel
Purchase button is displayed, you are allowed to cancel the previous purchase. If this button is not
offered, then most likely a portion of the event has already been viewed, committing you to the
Show Times
The Show Times button provides a simple way to display a concise list of other presentation times for a
certain program. Use this button to find a more convenient viewing
After selecting an alternate viewing time, you will be returned to an
updated INFORMATION screen.
The SHOW TIMES screen