After You Install
Installing PowerPath
3. Verify that the PowerPath and PowerPath Volume Manager
kernel extensions are loaded on the host. Enter:
modinfo | grep -i emc
You should see output like the following:
30 125c08b 74a05 255 1 emcp (PP Driver 4.0.0)
31 127ec94 18c1e - 1 emcpmp (PP MP Ext 4.0.0)
32 1295a42 21ac2 - 1 emcpmpc (PP MPC Ext 4.0.0)
33 12b4f4c c905c - 1 emcpsapi (PP SAPI Ext 4.0.0)
34 134f510 11e1d - 1 emcpcg (PP CG Ext 4.0.0)
35 13608a5 2410 - 1 emcphr (PP HR Ext 4.0.0)
36 136276d 46bc6 - 1 emcpsm (PV SM Ext 4.0.0)
39 13a4aa9 5b8b4 - 1 emcpsc (PV SC Ext 4.0.0)
40 7816a000 5461f - 1 emcpevm (PV EVM Ext 4.0.0)
41 13e957d 22acd - 1 emcpdpm (PV DPM Ext 4.0.0)
42 7811b2e6 273 - 1 emcpioc (PP PIOC 4.0.0)
Verify the PowerPath
Commands Are in
Your Path
Check that the PowerPath commands are in your path. PowerPath
installation modifies the
/etc/profile and /etc/.login files to run
the PowerPath setup scripts, which modify the
the host.
If you find that the PowerPath commands are not in your path, check
/.profile, /.login, and /.cshrc scripts to see if they are
overwriting the changes made by the PowerPath setup scripts.
Verify PowerPath
Devices Are
Configured on the
To verify that PowerPath devices are configured on the host:
1. Enter:
powermt display dev=all
You should see output like the following:
Pseudo name=emcpower0a
Symmetrix ID=000000003269;
Logical device ID=048
state=alive; policy=SymmOpt; priority=0; queued-IOs=0
------------ Hosts ----------- - Sys - - I/O Paths - --- Stats ----
### HW Path I/0 Path Interf. Mode State Q-IOs Errors
2300 sbus@f/QLGC,isp@2 c2t1d0 SA 16aB active alive 0 0
2301 sbus@f/QLGC,isp@2 c1t1d0 SA 16aA active alive 0 0
2302 sbus@f/QLGC,isp@2 c3t1d0 SA 16bB active alive 0 0