PowerPath in a VERITAS Cluster Server Cluster
PowerPath in a Cluster Environment
Configuring VCS to
PowerPath Volume
Manager Resources
After the PowerPath Volume Manager VCS Agent has been installed
on a host, you must configure VCS to recognize the agent. To do so,
edit the VCS configuration file,
main.cf, to include the EMCTypes.cf
EMCTypes.cf file, which is installed on the host during
installation of the PowerPath Volume Manager VCS Agent, defines
EMCvg resource type. The EMCvg resource type describes a
PowerPath Volume Manager volume group to VCS.
Figure 2-1 shows the definition of the
EMCvg resource type.
type EMCvg (
static int NumThreads = 1
static int OnlineRetryLimit = 5
static int OnlineTimeout = 300
static str ArgList[] = { VgName, OpenOption, VgRename,
VgNewName, RemovePath, StorageElements, VolumeNames}
NameRule = rad_ + "$symdg_name"
str VgName
str OpenOption = RW
str VgRename
str VgNewName
str RemovePath
str StorageElements[]
str VolumeNames[]
Figure 2-1 EMCvg Resource Type Definition
Refer to the PowerPath for UNIX Volume Manager User’s Guide for a
description of the attributes in the
EMCvg resource type.
EMC recommends that you leave the OnlineTimeout parameter for VERITAS
Cluster Server (VCS) at the default value, 300 seconds. If the volume groups
configured as EMCvg resources contain more than approximately 500
volumes, set OnlineTimeout to 600 seconds.
These values are guidelines only. The threshold for increasing the value of the
OnlineTimeout parameter is highly configuration dependent, influenced
primarily by the structure of the volumes. Experiment with different values
to determine the optimal settings for your configuration.