Zone Administration View
Using Web Tools
Rename Alias Renames the alias selected in the Alias Name field. A dialog
displays in which you can edit the alias name. Renaming an alias
automatically renames it in all zones.
Selection List
Provides a list of potential alias members, including switches,
ports, WWNs, QuickLoop AL_PAs, and Fabric Assists.
Add Member Adds the item selected in the Member Selection List to the Alias
Members list. You can add individual ports or an entire switch. If
a switch is added, all ports on the switch are added. To add a
device WWN, select either a node WWN (folder icon) or port
WWN (blue circle icon) from the WWN sub-tree.
Remove Member Removes the selected member selected from the [Alias name]
Members list.
Add Other Adds a WWN, switch port, QuickLoop AL_PA, or Fabric Assist
that is not available in the Member Selection List.
Alias Members The member list of the alias selected in the Alias Name field. The
name of this list depends on the name of the selected alias. If no
alias is selected, the name displays as
null Members.
Apply Applies all changes made since the Zone Administration View
was opened, including changes made on other tabs in the view.
Changes cannot be cancelled once applied.
Cancel Cancels all changes made since changes were last applied, and to
exit the Zone Administration View. Changes cannot be cancelled
once they are applied.
Done Applies all changes made since the Zone Administration View
was opened and to exit the Zone Administration View.
Table 3-7 Alias Tab Fields (continued)