
Port Information View
Using Web Tools
Mcast Frames Received Multicast frames received.
Mcast Time-outs Multicast timeouts.
Mcast Frames Transmitted Multicast frames transmitted.
Time R_RDY Priority Times R_RDY has priority over frames to be
Time BB_Credit Zero Times BB_Credit went to zero.
Encd Errs Inside Frames Encoding errors inside frames.
Frames with CRC Errs Frames with CRC errors.
Short Frames Frames shorter than minimum.
Long Frames Frames longer than maximum.
Bad End-of-Frames Frames with faulty end-of-frames.
Encd Errs Outside Frames Frames with encoding errors outside frames.
C3 Frames Discarded Class 3 frames discarded.
LIP Ins LIPs received.
LIP Outs Times loop initialized by FL_Port.
Last LIP Received Last LIP received: AL_PD, AL_PS.
Frames Rejected F_RJTs sent.
Frames Busied F_BSYs sent.
Link Failure Times NOS received/sent.
Loss of Sync Times loss of sync occurred.
Loss of Signal Times loss of signal occurred.
Table 3-15 PortStats Tab Fields (continued)