46 Configuration, Startup and Operation
ection 3: Configuration, Startup and Operation 6888Xi Advanced Electronics Instruction Manual
December 2012 PN 51-6888Xi
TX IOB Parameter Name Unit Description
N Y Heater Latch Off -- Heater latch Off. (Parameter for Extended Temperature feature.)
No = The heater will turn back on once the temperature falls
below the heater set point
Yes = The heater will not turn back on once the temperature falls
below the heater set point
N Y Features -- Advanced software features:
0 = Stoichiometer, 1 = Prog Reference, 2 = Extended Temp, 4 = Diffuser Warning
Y Y O2 LRV % Primary variable (O2 %) lower range value.
YYO2 URV % Primary variable (O2 %) upper range value
NYAO Range --
Analog output polarity:
0 = 4-20mA, 1 = 20-4mA
YYAlarm Level --
O2 alarm level:
0 = 3.5 mA, 1 = 21.1mA
NYRelay 1 --
Alarm Relay 1 mode:
0 = Unit alarm, 1 = Low O2, 2 = Cal Recommended, 3 = In Calibration
NYRelay 2 --
Alarm Relay 2 mode:
0 = Unit alarm, 1 = Low O2, 2 = Cal Recommended, 3 = In Calibration,
4 = Heater Relay (Default)
NYAO Track -- Analog output track O2 sensor measurement during a calibration: No/Yes
NYTol Check -- Enable/Disable tolerance check during calibration: No/Yes
NYCal Recommend -- Enable/Disable calibration recommended alarm: No/Yes
NYCal Acknowledge --
Enable/Disable calibration acknowledge before update calibration
constants: No/Yes
YYCal Gas 1 %
Test Gas 1 value. This is the actual value of the gas being applied during the Test
Gas 1 phase of a calibration.
YYCal Gas 2 %
Test Gas 2 value. This is the actual value of the gas being applied during the Test
Gas 2 phase of a calibration.
YYGas Time sec
Test Gas application time. This is the length of time test gases are applied to the
O2 probe during low or high Test Gas phase of a calibration.
YYPurge Time sec
Test Gas purge time. This is the length of time before the output will be returned
to the process reading after a calibration.
NYPlugged Diffuser --
Enable Plugged Diffuser functionality: (Parameter for Diffuser Warning feature.)
0 = Disable, 1 = Rate, 2 = Proximity, 3 = Rate & Prox
NYAuto Advance Cal --
Auto advance calibration state machine when it detects that the cell response has
stabilized during test gas flow and purge: No/Yes
(Parameter for Diffuser Warning feature.)
NYEnable Auto Cal -- Enable/disable automatic calibration: No/Yes
NYStart on Cal Rec -- Start automatic calibration on Cal Recommended state: No/Yes
NYCal Interval hr
Automatic calibration interval. The number 9999 disable the automatic
timed calibration.
NYNext Cal Time hr
Time remaining until the next automatic periodic calibration. The number 9999
disable the next automatic timed calibration.
Resource |
Analog Output
I/O board analog output resource mapping. One for each probe:
0x00000001 is for IOB AO
0x00000002 is for TX AO
NYResource | Auto Cal
I/O board auto calibration resource mapping. One for each probe:
0x00000100 is for SPS
0x00000200 is for IMPS
NYResource | Relay 1
I/O board’s relay 1 resource mapping. One for each probe:
0x00010000 is for IOB RELAY 1
NYResource | Relay 2
I/O board’s relay 2 resource mapping. One for each probe:
0x02000000 is for IOB RELAY 2
able 3-5. Probe Parameters (3 of 4)