Maintenance and Service 81
888Xi Advanced Electronics Instruction Manual Section 5: Maintenance and Service
PN 51-6888Xi December 2012
5.4 Replacement Parts
Refer to Section 6: Replacement Parts for individual replacement parts and part replacement
kits. Part replacement kits are available for each of the components discussed in this section.
5.5 6888Xi Component Replacement
Each of the following procedures detail how to replace a specific component of the 6888Xi. Most
of these procedures include component setup instructions that must be performed before
returning the related O
Probe to service. Refer to Figure 5-1 and Figure 5-2 for illustrations of
the 6888Xi components.
5.5.1 I/O Board Replacement
Use the procedure that follows to replace and set up the I/O board in the 6888Xi.
FIGURE 5-2. 6888Xi Components
Disconnect and lock out power before working on any electrical components.
The I/O Board is shipped from the factory without any of the enhanced software features activated.
These features must be activated once the new board has been installed and before the Remote
Interface is put into service.