28 FileMaker Pro Advanced Development Guide
To create or edit menu sets:
1. Choose File menu > Define > Custom Menus > Menu Sets tab.
2. Do one of the following in the Define Custom Menus dialog box:
3. In the Edit Menu Set dialog box, do the following:
4. Specify which menus you want to include in the menu set, and click
To Do this
Create a menu set Click Create.
Edit an existing
menu set
Select the menu set from the list, then click Edit.
To Do this
Specify the menu set
For Menu Set Name, enter a descriptive name for the
menu set (up to 100 characters). This name appears in
the list on the Menu Sets tab in the Define Custom
Menus dialog box.
Include a comment in
the Define Custom
Menus dialog box
(Menu Sets tab)
Enter a comment about the menu set (up to 30,000
Menu Sets tab in Define Custom Menus dialog box
To Do this
Add a menu to the
menu set
1 Select the menu from the list of Available Custom
Menus, then click Move.
1 Double-click the menu in the list of Available
Custom Menus.
Remove a menu from
the menu set
Select the menu you want to remove from the menu
set, then click Clear.
Create a menu Click Create, then follow the procedure for “Creating
and editing custom menus” on page 23.
Note You can press Shift and click Create to create an
empty menu.
Click to remove all menus
from the menu set
Edit Menu Set dialog box
Menus appear in the menu bar
in the order shown in this list.
Drag an arrow up or down to
change the order.