48 FileMaker Pro Advanced Development Guide
12. Continue to build the formula then and click OK when you’re
13. Click OK to close the Define Database dialog box.
Customizing the plug-in example
The plug-in example in FileMaker Pro Advanced is designed to be
easily modified so you can add your own custom functions. You need
to modify the following items:
1 version information in FMPluginExample.strings and
1 plug-in and function names in FMPluginExample.strings and
1 configuration function in FMPluginPrefs.cpp
1 external function definitions and coding in
Customizing the example resources
You must make the following modifications to the plug-in resource
files to create a custom external function plug-in:
1 Modify the version variables and strings to meet your needs.
1 Revise the configuration dialog box to meet your needs.
1 Specify the correct option string values.
1 Edit plug-in names and description.
1 Define your function names and function prototypes.
Customizing FMPluginExample.cpp
Make your modifications to the FMPluginExample.cpp in the
functions listed in the following table.
Customizing FMPluginPrefs.cpp
This file contains the Do_PluginPrefs function for the implementa-
tion of the configuration dialog box. Revise or remove this code as
Customizing FMPluginFunctions.cpp
Revise or remove the functions provided in the
FMPluginFunctions.cpp file and define your own. Do_PluginInit
refers to these functions when evaluating external functions in
Function name Customization
Do_PluginInit Provide your own unique plug-in ID for “pluginID.”
Register each function, providing its name,
description, and function to be used. Call
fmx::ExprEnv::RegisterExternalFunction to
register your functions.
Do_PluginIdle Add any idle processing your plug-in needs.
Do_PluginShutdown Revise the UnRegisterExternalFunction calls to
reverse the registration done in Do_PlugInit. Call
fmx::ExprEnv::UnRegisterExternalFunction to
unregister your functions.