Viewing the Annotations List
The following icons indicate the
type of notation:
5. Use the navigation button to
view the list.
6. Press or to highlight a
particular notation.
Press to delete the
highlighted notation. Press
to conrm the deletion or
press to cancel.
7. Press ENTER to go to the
location of that notation in the
View the entire text of your
notation as described in “Using
Annotations, Modications, and
Highlights” on page 26.
8. Press to return to the
Annotations list.
9. Press to close the
Annotations List.
Press to delete the list
of notes from this eBook. Press
to conrm the deletion or
press to cancel.
Inections show changes in a word’s
gender, tense, and form. When you see
a Soft Key, it means that the
dictionary includes extensive inections
(provided by Franklin) of nouns, verbs,
modiers and other words. In this
device, inections are available in the
PONS English-German and German-
English dictionaries, in the DUDEN
Deutsches Universalwörterbuch, in the
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary,
and in the Oxford Thesaurus of English.
Note: Bilingual dictionaries may include
translations of each inected form.
1. Press .
2. Press or to highlight DUDEN
Deutsches Universalwörterbuch
and then press ENTER.
3. Begin to type a German word,
for example, spielen.
As you type letters, the rst word in
the book that matches the letters
you type will move to the top of
the word list. You may not have to
type the entire word in order to nd
the one you want. In this example,
note that “spielen” appears on the
screen after you type “spiele”.
Viewing Inections
by Franklin