Note: Translations may not be
available for all verbs or in all
Soft Keys in the
DUDEN Deutsches
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Deutsches Universalwörterbuch,
at any given moment, up to three
extra functions are available. For
example, in the entry for “spielen”,
you see the following Soft Keys:
Press… To…
look up any inections
of “spielen”.
go to a grammar topic
describing verbs.
add “spielen” to My
German Vocabulary
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while in the DUDEN Deutsches
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word, for example at the empty
word search screen, goes
to the full text search screen,
goes to the main menu of
the Grammar Guide, and
displays My Vocabulary List.
You can also search for English
or German words that occur in
denitions of other words in the
PONS Großwörterbuch Deutsch-
Englisch, PONS Großwörterbuch
Englisch-Deutsch and the DUDEN
Deutsches Universalwörterbuch.
Note: You can only search for
German words in the DUDEN
Deutsches Universalwörterbuch.
1. Press .
2. Press or to highlight PONS
Großwörterbuch Deutsch-
Englisch and then press ENTER.
3. Press .
You see the German full text
search screen. Press to
return to the word search screen.
4. Press to search
denitions for an English word.
You see the English full text
search screen. Press to
go to the German full text search
screen. Press to return to
the word search screen.
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Viewing Inections by Franklin