CHAPTER2 Dependence Functions Data Break
This function aborts the program execution when a data access (read/write) is made to
a specified address.
■ Data Break
This function aborts program execution when a data access (read/write) is made to a specified address. Up
to two breakpoints can be set.
When the data break occurs, the following message appears at the status bar.
Break at address by data break at access address
■ How to set
Set the data break follows:
• Command
For details, refer to "3.9 SET DATABREAK (type 2)" in "SOFTUNE Workbench Command
Reference Manual".
• Dialog
- "Data" tab in breakpoint setting dialog
For details, refer to "4.6.4 Breakpoint" in "SOFTUNE Workbench Operation Manual".
If the user sets a data monitoring condition, the data break can be used as a data watch break.
For the data monitoring condition, refer to " Data Watch Break".
The data break requires the following caution:
The data break can be used only when the FR60Lite or FR80S is used. For details, refer to "2.3.4