CHAPTER2 Dependence Functions Trace Sampling
Trace measurements of the program execution status are made during the interval
between the program start and stop. The DSU3 chip emulator debugger (MB2197)
performs trace measurements until the program execution stops, using the first or
second code event or first data event as a trigger for starting trace measurement.
■ Trace Sampling
When the trace function is enabled, data is always sampled and recorded in the trace buffer during the
execution of an execution command.
In addition to the above function, the DSU3 chip emulator debugger (MB2197) has functions for starting
trace measurement during the next program execution and making trace measurements of data access with
a specified region.
• When mode switching is effected from the trace sampling mode to the trigger mode, trace
measurements start at the first or second code event hit or the first data event hit.
• When the internal trace mode or external trace mode is selected as the MCU operation mode, data
sampling is conducted only for data accesses to a specified data trace measurement region.
The program execution aborts due to a break factor such as a breakpoint, terminating the trace.
Furthermore, when the trace buffer becomes full, a program break can be invoked. This break is called a
trace buffer full break.
■ Frame Number
A number is assigned to each frame of sampled trace data. This number is called a frame number.
The frame number is used to specify the display start position of the trace buffer.
The value 0 is assigned to the last-sampled trace data. Negative values are assigned to trace data sampled
before the arrival at the triggering position.