Odometer—A running tally of distance travelled, based upon the
distance between second-by-second position readings.
Off Course—The distance left or right you are from the original
course (path of travel).
Pointer—Indicates the direction to the next destination.
Speed—Display rate of travel in miles per hour, kilometers per
hour, or nautical miles per hour.
Speed-Maximum—The maximum speed the unit has moved.
Speed-Moving Avg.—Average speed of the unit while moving.
Speed-Overall Avg.—Your average speed.
Sunrise—The time at which the sun rises on this day.
Sunset—The time at which the sun sets on this day.
The current outside (ambient) temperature as
measured by the sensor contained in the lithium-ion battery pack.
For best accuracy allow the unit to adjust to ambient temperature
when it has been in a warmer/colder environment such as indoors,
an auto, in direct sunlight, or held with your hand around the
battery. (Temperature is not available while the battery is charging.)
Time of Day—The time for the selected time zone.
Time to Destination
—The time remaining before your reach your
Time to Next
—The time remaining before you reach the next
point on a route.
To Course
—The compass direction you must go in order to get
back to the original course.
Trip Odometer—A running tally of distance travelled since last reset.
Trip Time–Moving—A running tally of movement time elapsed
since last reset.
Trip Time–Stopped—A running tally of stopped time elapsed
since last reset.
Trip Time–Total—A running tally of all time since last reset.
Turn—The angle difference (in degrees) between the bearing to
your destination and your current line of travel. L means turn Left.
R means turn Right.
Velocity Made Good
—The speed at which you are closing on a
destination along a desired course.
Vertical Speed—Your rate of altitude gain/loss over time.
Vertical Speed To Destination
—The measurement of your rate of
ascent/descent to a predetermined altitude.
Waypoint at Destination
—Indicates the name of the destination
Waypoint at Next
—Indicates the next waypoint on a route.