520/530 Owner’s Manual 37
Altimeter Page
Available for the Rino 530 only, the Altimeter Page
provides the current elevation, rate of ascent/descent,
a profile of elevation changes over distance or time, or
a profile of pressure changes over time. The Altimeter
Page’s Option Menu allows you to select from a
variety of display options such as plotting over time,
plotting over distance, displaying the zoom ranges of
measurement, viewing elevation or pressure points, and
resetting data displays. Two user selectable data fields
allow you to display a variety of current and recorded
pressure and elevation related data.
NOTE: To achieve the greatest accuracy, the
Altimeter should be calibrated. Refer to page 41 for
information on calibrating the Altimeter.
The Status Window is located at the bottom of the page
and displays the current elevation and your current rate
of ascent or descent when moving. It can also display the
ambient or the barometric pressure.
The Plot or Profile Field is located in the center of the
page and can be configured to display either elevation or
ambient pressure or barometer plots as selected from the
Altimeter Page Option Menu.
Data Fields at the top of the page are user selectable and
display a variety of recorded or current data.
Four types of plots are possible:
• Elevation vs Time
• Elevation vs Distance
• Barometric Pressure* vs Time
• Ambient Pressure* vs Time
* Ambient Pressure is the actual pressure at your location. Barometric
Pressure is the ambient pressure measured relative to sea level.
Data Fields
Status Window