TheTIME COOKfeatureallowsyou
to presetthe cookingtime.The
ovenshutsoff automatically,
for time cooking,butyou may
changethis for moreflexibility.See
TIMECOOKfunction,makea cup
of coffeeby following the steps
Step 1: Fill a cup 2/3 full of water
and add 1teaspoon of freezedried
coffee. Useacup that hasno metal
decoration, Placecup in oven and
close door.
Step 2: ‘?’OUdlTIME COOKt The
display shows :0. Signal light
aboveTIME CJ30Kflashes.Power
Level ‘fO Is automatically set in
oven, but does not appear In
Step 3: Select your time. Touch
1,2-andOfor a minute and 20 sec-
onds. 1:20 and signal light above
TIME COOK appear on display. If
another Power Level is desired
touch POWER LEVEL and the
number, although Power Level 10
(HIGH) is preferred for this cup of
Step 4: Touch START. Time
counting down shows on display.
Step S: When ?!ms is up, oven
sounds and oven, light, and fan
shut off.
Q. fset my oven for the time called
for in the recipe but at the end of
the time allowed, my dish wasn’t
done, What happened?
A. Since house power varies due
to timo or location, many Time
Cook r9ciPe$
f2JiVf3YOU a the I’W7fj0
prevent overcooking. Set the
oven for minimum time, test the
food for doneness, and cook your
dish a little longer, if nece$sary.
Q. I want to cook my dish on a
PowerLevelother than HIGH,what
do I needto do?
A. To change the Power Level,
touch the POWERLEVELpadafter
ente?ing desired cooking time.
Enterthe desired number and then
touch START.
Q. Can 1interrupt my Time Cook
function to check the food?
A. Yes,To resumeGooking,simply
dose the door and touch START,
NOTE: Microwave power will not
come on until you are ready. You
must touch STARTfor cooking to
Q. Itouched the number pads and
selected my power level, When I
touched START,however,myoven
didn’t come on. Why not?
A. The TIME COOK pad must be
touched before setting the number
pads or else your oven will not be-
gin cooking,
G). I tried to change Power Level
but the display changed back to
cooking time. Why?
A. After touching PowerLevelpad
you only have 4 seconds to enter
the number. Try setting controls