The Defrostsettingis designedfor
eventhawingnecessaryfor large
amountsof food and is oneof the
mostimportantadvantagesof a
@ PowerLevel3 is automatically
setfor defrosting,butyou may
changethis for moreflexibility.
s Seeyour Cookbookfor the
pork chopsby followingthesteps
Step 1: Place package of frozen
chops in the oven and close door.
Step2:Touch DEFROST.Display
reads:0.PowerLevel3 is automati-
cally set in oven but does not
appear on readout. Signal Light
Stsp3:Touch 8,0, andOfor 8 min-
utes. 8:00 and signal light above
REF. are displayed. If you wish to
change Power Level,touch Power
Level pad and then new number.
Step4:Touch START.Time counts
down on display. When cycle is
completed, the oven signals and
automatically shuts off.
Step !5:Turn package over, close
door and,repeat Steps2,3 and 4.
Step 6: When oven signals and
shutsoff, removepackageand sep-
arate chops to finish defrosting,
Defrosting Tips
@ Foodsfrozen in paperor plastic
can be defrosted in the package.
@ Forevendefrosting,manyfoods
need to be broken up or separated
part of the way through the de-
frosting time.
#&=--- --
e Homemadedinners can be fro-
zen in shallowfoil trays and heated
for later use. Select foods which
o Pre-packaged frozen dinners
can be defrosted and microwave
@Checkyour Cookbook for other
Q. When [ press START, I hear a
dull thumping noise.What is it?
A, This sound is normal. It is letting
you know the oven is using a
PowerLevellowerthan HIGH+
CLCan I Defrost small items in a
A. Yes, but they will need more
frequentattentionthan usual.Raise
the Power Level after entering the
time by touching POWER LEVEL
and 7 or 10,Power Level7’cuts the
time about in %; F%warLevel 10
cuts the time to approximately %,
During either, rotate or stir food
Q. Can I open the door during DE=
FROST to check cm the progress
of my food?
A. Yes,You may open the daor at
any time during microwaving. To
resume defrosting, close the door
and press START.
Q. Why don’t the defrosting times
in the Cookbook seemright for my
A, Cookbook times are average.
Defrostingtime can varyaccording
to the temperature in your freezeri
Set your oven for the time in-
dicated in your Cookbook) if your
food is stilt not completely thawed
at the end of that time, re-set your
oven and adjust the time ac-
Q. Can I selecta PowerLevelother
than automatic Power Level 3 foL
A, Yes.Somesmallerfoods maybe
defrosted quicker on higher Power
Levels but for even, cwefree de-
frosting, Power Level 3 is sug-
gested. Check the chart in the
Cookbook for specific times and