
4-22 Micro PLC Programmer’s Guide – April 1994
Math Functions
The Micro PLC instruction set includes these Math functions:
Addition Adds together two numbers and places the total in a specified
Subtraction The Subtraction function subtracts one number from another
and places the result in a specified register.
Multiplication The Multiply function multiplies one number by another and
places the result in two consecutive registers.
Division The Division function divides one number by another, and
places the result in two consecutive registers.
For the Math functions, all numbers are assumed to be positive. There are no negative
Power flow from a Math function is always true.
Addition (ADD)
The Addition function adds together two numbers and places the total in a specified
number + number = register
The numbers added can be constants, as in the second addition shown on the facing
page, or the contents of register locations in memory. For example, if R1 contains the
value 23 and you add the constant 16 to it, then register R3 will contain the value 39.
Maximum Total
The maximum total for the Addition function is 65535. If the total exceeds 65535, only
the excess is placed in the specified register. For example:
1st number 2nd number Total in register
50,000 + 50,000 = 34464 (excess above 65536)
The program can compare the total with the two numbers that were added. If the total is
less than either number, a “rollover” has occurred.