SilPruf* SCS2000 silcone sealant & adhesive
P. 11 GE - Advanced Materials
Emergency Service
GE - Silicones maintains an around-the-clock emergency service for its products. The American Chemistry Council (CHEMTREC),
Transport Canada (CANUTEC), and the Chemical Emergency Agency Service also maintain an around-the-clock emergency service
for all chemical products:
Location GE - Silicones Products All Chemical Products
Mainland U.S., Puerto Rico 800.809 9998 CHEMTREC: 800.424.9300
Alaska, Hawaii 304.926.8418 (collect) CHEMTREC: 800.424.9300
Canada 304.926.8418 (collect) CANUTEC: 613.996.6666 (collect)
or CHEMTREC: 800.424.9300
Europe, Middle East, Africa +32.(0) (Belgium) CHEMTREC: +1-703.527.3887 (collect)
Latin America, Asia/Pacific, +304.926.8418 (collect) CHEMTREC: +1-703.527.3887 (collect)
all other locations worldwide
At sea Radio U.S. Coast Guard, which can directly
contact GE - Silicones at 800.809.9998 or
CHEMTREC at 800.424.9300.
DO NOT WAIT. Phone if in doubt. You will be referred to a specialist for advice.
Patent Status
SilPruf SCS2000 sealant & adhesive is the subject of one or more
pending U.S. patent applications.
Nothing contained herein shall be construed to imply the non-
existence of any relevant patents or to constitute the permission,
inducement or recommendation to practice any invention covered
by any patent, without authority from the owner of the patent.
Product Safety
Customers considering the use of any of GE - Silicones products
should consult the latest Material Safety Data Sheets and labels for
product safety information. Customers must evaluate GE - Silicones
products and make their own determination as to fitness of use
in their particular applications. For Material Safety Data Sheets
contact the GE - Silicones sales office nearest you. Customers must
ensure that all applicable federal, state, and local requirements
have been met before handling any of the products mentioned
in the text.