P. 03 GE - Advanced Materials
SilPruf* SCS2000 silcone sealant & adhesive
SilPruf SCS2000 sealant & adhesive is not recommended:
• For use underwater or in other applications where the product
will be in continuous contact with water.
• For use in food contact applications.
• When painting of the cured sealant is desired (unless appropriate
specialized paint products are used).
• For structural adhesion on bare metals or surfaces subject to
corrosion (i.e., mill aluminum, bare steel, etc.).
SilPruf SCS2000 sealant & adhesive should not be
applied or used:
• In structural glazing applications unless GE - Silicones has
reviewed shop drawings for applicability and has performed
adhesion and compatibility tests on project substrates, spacer
materials and all accompanying accessories. Review and test-
ing is done on a project-by-project basis. No blanket approval
is given by GE - Silicones for structural glazing applications.
Structural glazing industry guidelines (ASTM C1401) suggest that
drawings and details are to be reviewed by all parties involved in
the manufacture of an SSG system and for each building project.
• Under exceedingly hot or cold conditions (see Sealant
Application section for additional information).
• On wet, damp, frozen or contaminated surfaces.
• On excessively basic or acidic substrates.
• In exceedingly large structural cavities (see Sealant Application
section for additional information).
• This material requires atmospheric moisture to cure from paste
to rubber and may not attain its listed final cured rubber proper-
ties when used in designs or applications where the silicone is
encapsulated and without access to atmospheric moisture.
• When sealing against natural stones, GE - Silicones recommends
that stain testing be performed prior to use to ascertain the visu-
al acceptability of the sealant-stone combination. GE - Silicones
recommends evaluation of SilPruf NB SCS9000 when sealing to
natural stones.
• Some materials that bleed plasticizers or oils can cause a dis-
coloration on the surface of sealants. When sealing to or over
items such as: rubberized gaskets, bituminous-based materials,
butyl or oil-based products, oily woods, tapes, etc., GE - Silicones
recommends that compatibility testing be performed prior to use
to confirm the suitability of the use of these materials when in
contact with each other.
• Silicone materials are hydrophobic in nature and if inadvertently
over-applied onto adjacent joint surfaces (even if removed imme-
diately), can create a waterproofing effect on some substrate
types when the substrate is wet. See section on Masking.
Technical Services
Complete technical information and literature are available
from GE - Silicones. Laboratory facilities and application engineer-
ing are available upon request from GE - Silicones.